Make it a New You This Year With MyDx

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It’s a new year – why not start over with what you take into your body? Now is a great time to start focusing on only consuming and inhaling what’s best for your body. With that in mind, we wanted to take some time this month to go over the large variety of uses for the MyDx Analyzer. MyDx was developed with a Live Pure lifestyle in mind; living pure is about putting your mind at ease about the purity of what you eat, drink and inhale by being able to trust and verify it.

Our MyDx Analyzer works to test and analyze liquids, gases and solids using our four sensors: the CannaDx Sensor, the AquaDx Sensor, the AeroDx Sensor and the OrganaDx Sensor. With these sensors, you can test almost everything you consume or inhale.

Use the CannaDx Sensor to test the safety and potency of medical marijuana samples. It uses strain analysis to detect the presence of the most important medically-relevant compounds of interest in cannabis, including THC and CBD, whose ratios have been shown to play a key role in how a strain affects people. Ultimately, this sensor measures how the chemical profile of the strain will benefit you. We designed it for manufacturers, distributors, consumers and regulators, as our goal is to help these groups to fully understand each strain of cannabis from seed to sale.

The AquaDx Sensor is useful for identifying the presence of potentially harmful chemicals in drinking water, and is especially helpful for travelers who want to ensure the safety of water before they drink it. While tap water can be more convenient than bottled water, it often contains harmful chemicals and minerals such as hexavalent chromium, fluoride, mercury, chlorine, lead and more. Keep yourself and your family safe by testing your water before you drink it.

With the AeroDx Sensor, you can measure the air quality index of the air around you. This indicator of air quality was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is used by people worldwide who want to monitor certain chemicals in the air and avoid unsafe air conditions. Air quality varies greatly according to time of day and location, but with the sensor you can know the quality of the air around you no matter where you are.

The OrganaDx Sensor is designed to help you avoid consumption of dangerous chemicals commonly found in pesticides. Use it to verify that the organic food you buy is truly organic and free of harmful pesticides. We especially recommend testing any time you eat one of the “Dirty Dozen,” or one of the foods that tends to have the highest levels of toxic organo-phosphate insecticides. This includes apples, bell peppers, spinach, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, lettuce, peaches, blueberries, hot peppers and cucumbers.

While only the CannaDx Sensor is currently available, and the release of the OrganaDx Sensor on the way, there are many steps and precautions you can still take on your own to live a healthier life this year. Remember, there is no better time than now to take on the new year with the Live Pure ideology.

How do you plan to use your MyDx Analyzer?

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