Is Your Home Hurting Your Health?

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We’re breaking down the health hazards in your home. Your home might not actually be as cozy and innocent as you think – harmful elements can be everywhere, but you don’t realize it because they’re mostly invisible! Thankfully, as soon as they are fully developed, the MyDx sensors (OrganaDx, AeroDx and AquaDx) will be able to provide you a chemical analyses for many of the following:


Health Hazard 1: Lead

Lead is a natural element but it can be toxic to humans and animals and cause health complications. Prolonged exposure to lead can cause infertility, high blood pressure and muscle pains. Lead can even cause brain damage if ingested by children. If your home was built before 1978, you can almost bet that lead paint was used. At that time, it was not yet illegal to use lead paint in homes. Note that lead is most commonly found in paint, pipes, gasoline, cosmetics, dust and drinking water. Choose lead-free products and test for lead to keep your home safe. The AquaDx and AeroDx sensors will be able to help you with this.


Health Hazard 2: Pesticides

We’ve all heard of pesticides being used in the agriculture industry but have you heard that pesticides can be found in carpeting and bedding? According to the EPA, people can be exposed to pesticides through inhalation exposure, oral exposure or dermal exposure. The amount of pesticides you are exposed to determines how toxic the chemical will be. If you are exposed to high amounts, you may experience neurological problems, convulsions or even death. To avoid these health risks, choose organic and utilize the OrganaDx sensor, which will be able to test your samples for the presence of certain pesticides.


Health Hazard 3: Mold

Molds grow and live in damp environments, typically on tiles and fabric. According to the CDC, molds themselves are not toxic or poisonous. Molds may produce toxins (called mycotoxins) but even then, there are few instances where toxigenic molds inside homes cause serious health conditions. The most common health concerns associated with molds are allergy symptoms. People with respiratory issues may experience problems with their breathing. Whether it be on surfaces or floating in the air, there are small amounts of mold everywhere. To combat this issue, AeroDx is being built to test for mold in the air. To take action now and help prevent or reduce the mold in your home, you can increase your home’s ventilation.


Health Hazard 4: Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is known as the “silent killer” because it is tasteless, odorless and colorless. According to the New York State Department of Health, if a person does not detect the early signs of carbon monoxide poisoning (confusion, dizziness and fatigue), they may lose consciousness and die. This is the most common way people die from poisoning. Over 500 people die from accidental carbon monoxide exposure each year. Carbon monoxide is a byproduct from hot water heaters, wood-burning fireplaces and furnaces fueled by gas, oil and propane. While carbon monoxide detectors are now legally required to be in all homes, you will be able to verify and perform back-up tests with AeroDx.


Health Hazard 5: VOCs

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are can be found in paints, cleaners and air fresheners. Carpet installation is associated with VOCs because the glue and dyes that are used with carpets emit VOCs. This can be dangerous but after a few days the emissions lessen. VOCs can cause headaches, respiratory issues or throat and eye irritation. Not to mention, in the long run, VOC’s can cause damage to the CNS or even cancer. Choose products that do not have VOC in them to avoid these health risks.


Health Hazard 6: Dust Mites

Asthma affects over 20 million Americans. What exactly causes asthma? Well, one of the prevalent asthma triggers is dust mites, bugs that contribute to house dust. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, dust mites belong to the arachnid family, and they thrive in warm, humid settings. Dust mites die when humidity drops to a range between 40 and 50 percent. Reduce the humidity in your home to keep dust mites out! Doing so will reduce the likelihood of people in your home experiencing allergy symptoms.


Health Hazard 7: Radon

Radon is a highly radioactive gas, making it very dangerous. It can sneak inside basically anything inside the home. It can be found in the ground and in the air. Be careful – high concentrations of radon can lead to cancer or death. Seal walls and floors so it does not pass into your home. Radon can’t be seen, but testing for radon will be easy with MyDx when using the AeroDx sensor.




We hope you are now more aware of the possible health hazards that linger around your home. Don’t worry too much – just make sure to test for these chemicals so that you are not living in an environment that may cause complications to your health. With the MyDx sensors in development, you will soon be able to test the amounts and types of chemicals in your air, food and water. MyDx will be an easy and affordable way to make sure your home is safe!



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